Sábado, dia 10/01/205, publicamos GOLFE NA RESERVA AMBIENTAL – NOTÍCIAS MUNDO AFORA, e LUAU, que teve muita repercussão.

Abaixo estão os links para mais duas notícias divulgadas pela mídia internacional: nos sites (1) Econoticias – Uma Aberração Contra a Natureza – e (2) The Washington Post – nesta o caso do Golfe é um dos aspectos mencionados – em 05/01 e em 12/01/2015, respectivamente.

French Tribune


Em 2011, de fato, o Itanhangá Golf Club estava disponível e apto a receber as tacadas do golfe olímpico, conforme essa reportagemItanhangá Golf Club Making A Bid At 2016 – Posted on 08. May, 2011 by  in Olympic GolfO Rei Pelé apoiou a iniciativa.

O cineasta Silvio Tendler, em poucas palavras, mandou um forte recado!

Boa leitura e bom áudio.

Urbe CaRioca

Olympic Golf News

Silvio Tendler e a APA Marapendi


05/01/2015 – Econoticias (


Los Juegos Olímpicos de Río de Janeiro 2016 serán los del regreso del golf como deporte olímpico, pero para que eso sea posible los organizadores están afrontando una fuerte polémica: el futuro campo se está construyendo en los márgenes de un valioso parque natural, lo que ha provocado protestas de ecologistas y otros activistas críticos con los fastos del macroevento deportivo.

Cuando Río de Janeiro fue designada sede olímpica, la ciudad ofreció al Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI) dos de sus campos de golf ya existentes, que podrían adaptarse a los Juegos con unas obras de reforma y ampliación. Sin embargo, el COI exigió la construcción de un nuevo campo de 18 hoyos, que ya está tomando forma en Barra de Tijuca, una de las zonas de la ciudad con más presión inmobiliaria y al mismo tiempo con un alto valor medioambiental. De hecho, el campo se construye junto a la reserva natural de Marapendi, una zona de lagunas y manglares limítrofe con el océano y protegida desde hace años, donde habitan especies en peligro como la mariposa de playa y el caimán de cuello amarillo, según explicaba a Notimérica.comel biólogo y activista Marcello Mello.


Área retirada do Parque Ecológico Municipal
Marapendi pelo atual presidente do grupo C40
12/01/2015 – The Washington Post

By Dom PhillipsJanuary 12 at 3:30 AM

RIO DE JANEIRO — At 9 p.m. Friday night, on a dark, cobbled street in the city center, the violence that had been threatening to break out finally spluttered. Amid chants of “fascist!” two riot police in full armor were cornered in an alleyway. Something was thrown, glass shattered. The boom and hiss of a tear gas grenade sent the crowd running. Then it fizzled out.


A new target
Last December, demonstrators selected a new target: golf, due to return to the Olympics for the first time since 1904. Since Dec. 6 a dozen or so have formed the core of Occupy Golf — a makeshift camp on a highway median beside the site where the Olympic golf course is being constructed.
On Jan. 6, Municipal Guards — an unarmed city police force — came to dismantle a homemade shelter the demonstrators had built. A tug-of-war developed as protesters clung onto it. During the scuffles, a student, Elson Soares Jr., 30, was handcuffed and forced into a police car where he was repeatedly hit in the face with a baton by a female guard, who broke his tooth. At one point, a rubber bullet was fired.


The golf course is built in what both protesters and Rio state prosecutors argue is an environmentally protected area in the upmarket Rio beach suburb of Barra de Tijuca. Dubbed Rio’s Miami Beach, it is a real estate hotspot of condominiums and shopping malls where the main Olympic Park and the Olympic Village are also located.
The demonstrators said the golf course is damaging wildlife and was unnecessary because Rio already has two golf courses. The camp is in front of a showroom for the Riserva Golf luxury apartment complex being built in front of the course.
Rio state prosecutors are engaged in an ongoing legal battle with the golf course developers and the city of Rio over environmental concerns.
“We are in favor of the games,” said prosecutor Marcus Leal. “But it cannot impact on the environment of our city.”



  1. A cidade está sendo destruída em nome de uma Olimpíada.Os arquitetos, urbanistas e muito menos a população é ouvida pelo prefeito. O único som capaz de chamar sua atenção é o da sua própria voz.

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